First of Many?
A Canadian company with a First Nations partner, has started design work on a $10 billion floating LNG proposal on the country’s east coast. LNG Newfoundland & Labrador (LNG-NL) is partnering with Miawpukek First Nation (MFN) of Conne River, one of the fastest growing communities in the province, with the MFN taking an as-yet undisclosed equity stake in the project. The project aims to tap 5tcf of natural gas reserves offshore in the Jeanne d’Arc Basin, with a 600km pipeline to shore at Grassy Point, Placentia Bay, where a 4.0m t/y FLNG vessel would be situated. The deepwater Placentia Bay is close to an existing oil refinery at Come-by-Chance and an oil-transhipment terminal at Whiffen
