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Double E Pipeline Gets FERC Approvals

Summit Midstream Partners announced that Double E Pipeline received its Notice to Proceed with construction, as well as approval of its Implementation Plan, from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

Double E, a joint venture in which SMLP owns a 70% equity interest and serves as the pipeline's operator and construction manager, has also been granted the necessary rights-of-way on federal lands from the Department of the Interior's Bureau of Land Management and has entered into Memorandums of Agreement regarding treatment and mitigation measures at certain cultural resource sites with the FERC and the State Historic Preservation Officers of New Mexico and Texas.

"We are pleased to report the actions of the FERC and the BLM and also re-affirm our expected Q4 2021 in-service date,” President, CEO and Chairman Heath Deneke said. “Summit has also made good progress on its financing plans related to its 70% share of Double E and intends to announce additional details prior to construction activities beginning later this quarter."

SMP is proud of the efficiency of the project achieving key milestones on the way to creating a safe and reliable pipeline to transport natural gas, Deneke said.

Double E wants to build the 135-mile (217-km) pipeline to transport about 1.35 billion cubic feet per day of gas from the Delaware Basin in the Permian Shale in New Mexico and Texas to the Waha hub in West Texas, Reuters reported.

“Our world-class development team has maintained its focus on delivering the Double E project on time and under budget and has been instrumental in advancing the project and taking another step towards start-up,” he said.

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