Aemetis Completes Expansion of India Biodiesel Plant One Year Ahead of Schedule, Increases Annual Production Capacity to 60 Million Gallons
Aemetis - Press Release CUPERTINO, Calif. – September 6, 2023 – Aemetis, Inc. (NASDAQ: AMTX), a renewable natural gas and renewable fuels company focused on negative carbon intensity products, announced today that the company’s Universal Biofuels subsidiary has completed an expansion of its India biodiesel plant annual production capacity to 60 million gallons more than one year ahead of schedule, supplying the expanding demand for biodiesel by India government-owned Oil Marketing Companies (OMC’s). The Aemetis Five Year Plan describes an increase from 50 million gallons per year (MGY) to 100 MGY of biodiesel production capacity at the India plant to be completed by year 2025. Additio