
Global Energy Infrastructure consolidates project data and market intelligence, offering you a comprehensive view of the global energy market. It's your data service that provides you with the project data for:

  • Hydrogen
  • LNG
  • Oil & gas Pipelines
  • Refining and petrochemical
  • Carbon Capture Storage
  • Hydrogen Pipelines

The project data available on our database spans from capacity, status, start date and regional impact to financial information and key contact details.

  All datasets Hydrogen Oil & Gas Pipelines LNG Petrochemical, Refining & Gas Processing Carbon Capture Storage Hydrogen Pipelines
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GEI Mapping:

Global Energy Infrastructure (GEI) Mapping (formerly The Energy Web Atlas™) is a comprehensive source of actionable project intelligence for the international energy industry. Covering every aspect of the business, the geospatial platform provides access to key global project details and contracts for oil and gas pipelines, hydrogen, LNG, petrochemical and refining, carbon capture storage, and hydrogen pipelines.

Construction Boxscore Database:

Construction Boxscore Database covers active construction projects across the global refining, petrochemical, gas processing and alternative fuels industries. As new opportunities emerge in the global HPI, the database aims to give companies the tools and perspective to recognize market trends and win new business.


Request a demo of the platform here.

Any questions? Call ++44 203 4092242 or email