China's Winter Natural Gas Demand to Rise
China’s demand for natural gas is expected to rise to 180 billion cm this winter, up 10% year-on-year, according to PetroChina. PetroChina has secured 106.2 billion cm of gas this winter, up 8.4% year-on-year, with approximately 60 billion cm from domestic sources, 20 billion cm from imported pipeline gas, and 10 billion cm from LNG. PetroChina now only operates two LNG import terminals out of a country-wide total of 20, the 6.5m t/y Jiangsu LNG in Rudong, Jiangsu province originally built in 2011, and the 6.5m t/y Tangshan LNG in Caofeidian port, Hebei province built in 2013. Both projects are undergoing extensive construction phases which will bring their overall capacity to 10.0m t/y ea
